Customer story

Building a Continuous Discovery Engine with Hubble

Tactiq has built a continuous discovery engine through Hubble's product surveys to collect real time customer feedback and user centric roadmap

Adam Klenk
Senior Product Manager at Tactiq

Tactiq is a leading software provider in Direct Store Delivery (DSD) market

B2B SaaS & Supply Chain Management

Lacking a channel to communicate and collect feedback directly from users

In-product surveys
Usability tests

Building a seamless customer feedback channel through Hubble’s in-product surveys

Tactiq is a leading innovator in the Direct Store Delivery (DSD) space providing software used by 40,000+ stores and companies nationwide to win retail. DSD is the process of shipping products directly from a manufacturer or supplier facility to the customer's retail store rather than a distribution center. For over two decades, Tactiq has developed technologies to empower collaborative solutions for DSD entities, manufacturers, distributors and retailers.

Tactiq has successfully adopted Hubble to gather continuous feedback from customers. Through Hubble, the product team could collect real-time customer satisfaction insights from customers throughout the product development cycle.

Adam Klenk is a senior product manager at Tactiq, with an extensive background in supply chain and logistics. Adam had a deep interest in the Direct Store Delivery (DSD) model, which led him to join Tactiq, a market leader in the category.

“Hubble has made an immediate impact into our product organization, helping us collect real-time holistic feedback from our distributors throughout our product development processes...”

Could you please tell us about Tactiq and what problem you are trying to solve?

Tactiq is a B2B software company that specializes in Direct Store Delivery, which is the process of shipping products directly from a manufacturer or supplier facility to the customer's retail store rather than a distribution center. One of the core problems we aim to address is the communication challenges between the retail store and the distributors. Our integrated platform helps store managers and owners to effectively communicate out-of-stock items to distributors, minimizing the duration of out-of-stock periods. As a result, shoppers are less likely to encounter frustrating out-of-stock situations when they visit stores, increasing customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.

What challenges or pain points were you experiencing before using Hubble?

Tactiq has been around for over two decades, and we have continued to improve our product to help our retail customers succeed. We found Hubble because we wanted to find a platform that we could utilize to get real-time feedback from our customers so that we can continue to improve our product with continuous insights. We now have more than 40,000 stores that use our software so you can imagine how challenging it can be to collect quick, scalable feedback from our customers.

How did Hubble help address those challenges?

After adopting Hubble, we were able to easily collect user feedback data in all moments of our product development lifecycle. Through the in-product surveys, we were able to collect qualitative feedback as well as quantitative metrics (CSAT, NPS) that help us measure our customer experience. Getting these insights quickly and empowering our team to be able to access the data easily has been a tremendous change that has helped us continue to stay customer centric as we think about our future roadmap. In addition, it's really challenging to reach out to thousands of customers via email or other methods of communication, so the in-product surveys have helped us collect responses from good sample sizes with high velocity.

What measurable results or improvements have you observed since using Hubble?

I would say gaining more scale to collect customer insights and increased speed in collecting feedback from our users. Furthermore, Hubble's concept and usability testing is an innovative feature that has also allowed us to run user tests to evaluate ideas before starting our development. That was something that we could not do previously and I think testing your product ideas and designs in the ideation phase will continue to be a very powerful asset for our team as we continue to grow.

Tactiq's invoi helps businesses effectively manage thousands of invoices

How do you further plan on using Hubble?

It’s super exciting to try out the unmoderated studies part of Hubble. We just hired a new product designer on our team and this is honestly going to be one of the first things that we really start testing.

This year, we're placing a strong emphasis on aligning our product with the needs and desires of our customers. Our strategy revolves around deeply understanding their preferences and behaviors throughout the product life cycle. Prior to development, we're prioritizing comprehensive user testing to ensure that every aspect of our offering resonates effectively with our audience.

Before integrating Hubble into our workflow, our organization operated under a paradigm of "build first, validate later." We would often embark on development projects based solely on internal assumptions, lacking substantial data to substantiate our decisions. Now, with Hubble in place, we've transitioned towards a customer-centered approach to product development. Hubble enables us to gather invaluable feedback on design concepts early in the development process, empowering us to make more informed decisions and ensure that our products resonate effectively with our customers' needs and preferences

Any tip or advice for companies that are looking to try out Hubble?

The biggest thing for us—and a lot of startups can benefit from this—was how it was super easy to implement Hubble. Just like a lot of startups, you don’t have rich resources and normally integrating a new tool into your development pipeline can be challenging, involving coordination with multiple stakeholders. But with Hubble, the support we received made the whole process a breeze.

Hubble allowed us to collect data we wouldn't have had access to otherwise, which was a huge win. When we were able to present this data to our stakeholders, like hey, here’s what we’re seeing, it really helped to reinforce our findings. Seeing the data first hand tends to make it more believable and convincing for everyone involved. I think we’re only going to continue growing with Hubble throughout 2024.

"The biggest thing for us—and a lot of startups can benefit from this—was how it was super easy to implement Hubble...the support we received made the whole process a breeze."

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Collect feedback from your users at any moment during the user journey through Hubble