👋🏻 Introduction
âť“ What are your primary responsibilities in your daily work?
âť“ How often did you accomplish the [JTBD]?
Single Select
âť“ What is the desired outcome for accomplishing the [JTBD]?
âť“ How important is it for you to achieve the desired outcome from the [JTBD]?
Numerical Scale
âť“ Please elaborate on why you gave the following rating.
âť“ If any, what are common challenges or pain points to achieving the desired outcome?
âť“ If you had a magic wand, what changes would you make to improve the process?
âť“ Why are those changes important to you?
👋🏻 Thank you
Idea validation

Discover Jobs-to-be-Done (JTBD)

Gain insight into your customers' underlying needs through Jobs-to-be-Done (JTBD) framework. Gather valuable, actionable feedback to develop products that are more attuned to customers to accomplish their objectives and alleviate pain points effectively.

Study objectives

  • Uncover the primary jobs and tasks your customers are keen to achieve, and focus on crafting improved design solutions tailored to their needs and preferences.
  • Get a holistic understanding of your customers’ typical workflow and the various JBTD involved in the process.
  • Gain insights into your users' needs and emotions to cultivate deep empathy and relationship with them.
  • Ensure your product team is aligned to address customers' unmet needs and explore potential opportunity areas when developing products.

Uncover customers’ motivations and unmet needs

Identify the various “jobs” your customers hire your product for

Best practices for incorporating JTBD framework

  • Clearly define jobs: Start by clearly defining the jobs that users are trying to accomplish when interacting with your product or service. Focus on understanding the underlying motivations and goals that drive user behavior.
    Instead of focusing solely on user personas or demographics, identify specific job stories that represent common scenarios or tasks that users need to complete.
  • Segment customers by jobs: Segment your user base based on the different jobs they are trying to accomplish. This allows you to tailor your research and design efforts to specific user needs and preferences.
  • Focus on outcomes: Instead of just looking at product features, focus on the outcomes and desired results that users are seeking. Understand the functional, emotional, and social outcomes that users expect from your product.
    Moreover, define key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with the jobs users are trying to accomplish. Measure the success of your product based on how well it helps users achieve their goals and drive desired outcomes.
  • Continuous Learning: JTBD research is an ongoing process. Continuously gather feedback from users, monitor changes in user needs and preferences, and adapt your product strategy accordingly to stay competitive in the market.

Getting started


Create an account and log in to your Hubble account.


Find and select the template to use.


Edit the questions and specify the JTBD relevant to your project.


Run pilot tests with internal users (ideally, people that are not a part of your project).


Preview the study and check if you need to make any last minute changes.


Publish the study and wait for the results to come in.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Jobs-to-be-Done (JTBD) framework?

People buy products and services to get a job done. The JTBD framework is a theory that suggests “customers” hire products or services to get a job done in their lives. It focuses on understanding the underlying motivations and circumstances that drive customers to make purchasing decisions.

The JTBD framework focuses on understanding the specific jobs or tasks that customers are trying to accomplish. It helps in uncovering unmet needs and opportunities for innovation.

How do you identify the "jobs" in the JTBD framework?

Identifying the jobs involves understanding the functional, emotional, and social dimensions of the tasks or goals that customers are trying to accomplish. This may require conducting qualitative research, such as interviews or ethnographic studies, to uncover underlying motivations and pain points.

How do you validate the jobs identified using the JTBD framework?

Validating the jobs involves testing hypotheses and assumptions about customer needs through qualitative and quantitative research methods. This may include conducting surveys, interviews, usability tests, or A/B tests to gather feedback and validate product concepts or prototypes.

How do you prioritize jobs identified using the JTBD framework?

Prioritizing jobs involves assessing their importance and impact on customers' lives and evaluating the degree of competition and innovation opportunities associated with each job. This may require conducting market analysis, customer interviews, and quantitative research to prioritize effectively.

Other Study Templates

Gauge interest on a new feature from your customers

Probe deep into understanding your user needs and goals

Deep dive into understanding users pain points and opportunity areas

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Uncover customers’ motivations and unmet needs

Identify the various “jobs” your customers hire your product for