👋🏻 Introduction
❓ Which of the following best describes your purpose of visit?
Multi Select
❓ Typically, how much time do you spend on our website?
Single Select
✍️ Context for live site testing
Text Statement
🌐 Please try to [book a new hotel]
Live Site Testing
❓ How intuitive was the task?
Numerical Scale
❓ Please elaborate on your rating.
❓ What changes could we make to improve the experience?
👋🏻 Thank you
Usability testing

Live-test your website navigation

Use Hubble’s live-site testing feature to visualize how users’ interact and flow. Identify whether users navigate as expected and uncover potential improvement areas.

Study objectives

  • Understand how users currently navigate the website by analyzing user interactions, such as click patterns, page views, and navigation paths. Identify common user journeys, entry points, and exit points to pinpoint areas for improvement.
  • Measure the success rates of specific user tasks or goals related to navigation, such as finding product information, accessing account settings, or completing a purchase.
  • Use heatmapping to visualize user interaction data and identify areas of high and low engagement within the navigation interface.

Test your website navigation live

Visualize how users navigate through your website with live-site testing

Best practices for optimizing website navigation

  • Clear and consistent navigation menus: Use clear and descriptive labels for navigation menu items that accurately represent the content or sections they lead to. Maintain consistency in the placement and design of navigation menus across all pages of the website to provide a familiar browsing experience.
  • Limit the number of menu items: Avoid overcrowding the navigation menu with too many items, as this can overwhelm users and make it difficult for them to find what they're looking for. Prioritize essential sections or pages in the main navigation and use submenus or drop downs for additional categories if necessary.

  • Use descriptive link text: Ensure that hyperlink text clearly communicates the destination or purpose of the linked page. Avoid vague or generic anchor text like "click here" and instead use descriptive phrases that provide context, such as the page title or topic.

  • Provide search functionality: Include a search bar prominently within the website interface to allow users to quickly search for specific content or products. Ensure that the search feature is easily accessible and provides relevant results, including autocomplete suggestions and advanced filtering options.

  • Visual cues and feedback: Use visual cues such as hover effects, active states, or dropdown arrows to indicate interactive elements and provide feedback to users when navigating the website. Highlight the currently selected menu item or page to reinforce user orientation and navigation progress.

  • User testing and iterative improvement: Conduct usability testing with real users to identify navigation issues, pain points, and areas for improvement. Gather feedback through user surveys, heatmaps, and analytics data to inform iterative design changes and optimize website navigation based on user preferences and behaviors.

Getting started


Create an account and log in to your Hubble account.


Find and select the template to use.


Edit the questions and live site link as you see fit.


Run pilot tests with internal users (ideally, people that are not a part of your project).


Preview the study and check if you need to make any last minute changes.


Publish the study and wait for the results to come in.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is website navigation important?

Website navigation is important because it serves as the roadmap for users to explore and interact with the content and features of a website. Effective navigation enhances user experience by helping users find what they're looking for quickly and easily, leading to higher engagement and satisfaction.

What are some common issues with website navigation?

Common issues with website navigation include unclear labels or terminology, overly complex menu structures, hidden or buried content, inconsistent navigation patterns, and lack of visual cues or indicators to guide users.

What role does usability testing play in improving website navigation?

Usability testing involves observing real users as they interact with the website's navigation and identifying usability issues, pain points, and areas of confusion. Through usability testing, you can gain actionable insights into how users navigate the site and make informed improvements to enhance usability.

How important is mobile navigation?

While the answer depends based on your product and user base, prioritizing mobile navigation is important as an increasing number of users access websites from mobile devices. Mobile navigation should be intuitive, easy to use, and optimized for smaller screens to provide a seamless user experience across devices.

Other Study Templates

Uncover insights and usability of your product with usability tasks

Evaluate and optimize your app's sign-up flow

Determine how discoverable a feature or certain element is for your users

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Test your website navigation live

Visualize how users navigate through your website with live-site testing