👋🏻 Introduction
❓ In the past 12 months, how often have you booked a stay online?
Single Select
❓ Which of the services have you used to book a stay online?
Multi Select
✍️ Imagine you are trying to [visit a new city]
Text Statement
🧪 Please try to [book a new hotel]
Prototype Task
❓ Overall, how difficult or easy was this task to complete?
Numerical Scale
❓ Please elaborate on why you gave the following rating.
❓ How useful is the feature X?
Numerical Scale
❓ Please elaborate on why you gave the following rating.
❓ When was the last time this feature X could’ve been useful to you?
👋🏻 Thank you
Wireframe TESTING

Run a wireframe or prototype test

Test your hypothesis early with wireframes and prototypes by having users interact with the prototype. Uncover expectations, collect feedback and insights to evaluate your prototype design.

Study objectives

  • Validate your assumptions at the wireframe stage before building a full product. Remember, a prototype does not necessarily need to be a fully functional, high-fidelity model, as long as it effectively conveys the intended value and purpose.
  • Evaluate and enhance your ideas early in the product development phase to guarantee alignment with your users' needs and ensure you're on the right track.
  • Get visual data, including path analysis and heat maps, to drive your design decisions. Develop a focused study to collect feedback on newly releasing feature set or design changes.

Put your prototype to the test

Understand how users would interact with your prototypes and collect actionable feedback

Best practices for prototype testing

  • Test early and often: Start testing your prototype as early as possible in the design process and continue testing iteratively throughout development. Early testing helps identify potential issues and allows to flexibly adjust to user needs.

  • Provide context: Set the stage for testing by providing participants with relevant context about the prototype, its purpose, and the tasks they will be asked to perform. This ensures that participants approach the testing with the appropriate mindset and understanding.
  • Focus on realistic scenarios: Design test scenarios that simulate real-world use cases and scenarios that users are likely to encounter. This helps participants engage with the prototype in a more natural and meaningful way.
  • Encourage thinking aloud: Encourage participants to verbalize their thoughts, feelings, and reactions as they interact with the prototype. Thinking aloud provides valuable insights into participants' decision-making processes and user experience.
  • Be open to unexpected findings: Stay open-minded during prototype testing and be prepared to uncover unexpected findings or insights. These unexpected discoveries can lead to valuable design insights and innovations.

Getting started


Create an account and log in to your Hubble account.


Find and select the template to use.


Import Figma prototypes and edit the questions as you see fit.


Run pilot tests with internal users (ideally, people that are not a part of your project).


Preview the study and check if you need to make any last minute changes.


Publish the study and wait for the results to come in.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is prototype testing, and why is it important?

Prototype testing involves evaluating a preliminary version of a product or design to gather feedback, identify usability issues, and validate design decisions before investing in full development. It's important because it helps uncover potential problems early, saves time and resources in the long run, and ensures that the final product meets user needs and expectations.

What types of prototypes can be tested?

Various types of prototypes can be tested, including low-fidelity paper prototypes, interactive wireframes, clickable mockups, and high-fidelity interactive prototypes. The type of prototype used for testing depends on the specific goals of the test, the fidelity required to simulate user interactions, and the stage of the design process.

How do I recruit participants for prototype testing?

By setting up studies in Hubble, you can easily share the study links with your participants. Hubble also offers participant recruitment panel that has access to over 3 million users around the world.

What tasks should participants perform during prototype testing?

Tasks for prototype testing should align with the goals of the test and simulate realistic user interactions with the product or design. Tasks may include completing specific actions, navigating through key features, providing feedback on usability and functionality, and sharing thoughts and preferences.

Other Study Templates

Measure the ease of using your product with a SEQ test

Test variations of wireframes to gauge users' preferences

Run iterative usability tests on your mobile prototypes

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Put your prototype to the test

Understand how users would interact with your prototypes and collect actionable feedback